Adjusting operations in response to COVID-19 Email
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 02:00 PM

Adjusting operations in response to COVID-19

CoronavirusALCC is listening, and members are telling us about adjustments to their services that they are implementing in response the COVID-19 outbreak. We'll update this page as suggestions come in. Some tactics that Colorado landscape companies are considering or putting into effect include:

  • Not applying fertilizer as they normally might at this time of year. This could help reduce the amount of labor spent on mowing going forward.
  • Limiting irrigation (especially for Kentucky bluegrass) to slow growth.
  • Applying pre-emergent. In anticipation of the possibility that companies could be asked or required to pause operations, some companies are focusing on pre-emergent to help keep weeds at bay should they need to stay away from properties for some time.
  • Be aware that if your employees are driving themselves to the work site, you may be required to reimburse for mileage.
  • Communicate with your customers. See some examples of what other companies are saying:
  • Focusing on small-crew, small-scale projects.
  • Determining a worst-case scenario for the business, and making a plan for how to cut hours or lay off staff if it becomes necessary
  • Seek advice about options for both keeping staff safe and ensuring they have enough income to pay the bills
  • Eliminating owner pay and reducing admin staff pay to help cover expenses and payroll
  • Checking with loan officers and insurance companies to see if any bills can be put on hold if needed

Share your ideas, resources, etc. with us at [email protected]. ALCC has compiled resources at