SLM training class - June 8
CPS Distributors, Inc. – Westminster 1105 W. 122nd Avenue Westminster, CO 80234 USA (303) 350‐3236 View additional information
Tuesday, June 08, 2021, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST
Category: Education
Register for this in-person SLM training class – and take advantage of a discounted registration fee, courtesy of Northern Water Conservancy District. Northern Water is subsidizing a portion of the registration fee for all participants for a limited time. This is a 4-hour class. After the class, attendees will take an online exam. A passing score on the exam will earn attendees the SLM certificate. Each registrant must have an SLM manual for the class. Registrants can purchase the manual during the registration process. You can select if you would like to pick up the manual at the class, at the ALCC prior to the class, or have the manual shipped to you for an additional fee. Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Thank you to our sponsors, CPS Distributors and Hunter Industries! Special thanks to Northern Water Conservancy District for subsidizing the registration fee for participants. Contact: Melissa Emdin, 720 307-5092, [email protected] |