3 ways to refresh your marketing strategy Email
Wednesday, September 09, 2015 05:00 AM

Refresh your marketing strategyAs the busy landscape season winds down, it’s important to keep your business in the minds of clients and potential customers. Winter weather may not make consumers think about landscape services, but that doesn’t mean your marketing efforts should end with the first cold snap. In fact, it’s a great time to refresh your marketing strategy.

Here are three things you can do over the winter to help your business:

  1. Update your email marketing strategy. During the winter months, keep in contact with your customers. Give them information to help them plan for next spring/summer. Share tools that will allow them to budget for upcoming landscape projects. Guiding customer requests will help you better plan your own workload and seasonal hiring.
  2. Automate social media. Do you use Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Google+, or all of the above? Save time by using a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule social media. Plan regular reminders for customers to review your business, show off your favorite projects, and schedule those tips for next season that you wish you’d had time to share when you were busy this past summer.
  3. Refresh your look. Changing images on your web site or on social media can help you get noticed. Has your menu of services expanded, or have you chosen to specialize? Make sure your materials reflect the change. You may not have the time or budget for a new logo or for rebranding, but even small changes can make an impact.
These three steps can help you gear up for the busy season and may even save you some time in the long run.

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