July 2024

I have always loved the month of July, not only because it is my birthday month but because the pressure finally eases in our business and lets us breathe freely again. It is a great time to evaluate what went well and what did not and then discuss strategies to ensure next spring is easier on everyone. We can get out and see those clients we may have neglected and be sure we are delivering on our service commitments.

There has not been much talk about water restrictions this season. Which is why we need to remember that while we have been blessed this year with good snowpack and precipitation, it can change at a moment's notice. With July and August typically bringing our hottest weather, it is time to focus on training teams on the best, most efficient technologies and practices currently available. Now is also a great time to check in with our busy staff and make sure to connect and thank them for all the hard work they do each day. Enjoy the rest of your summer as it goes fast, and do not forget to take time for yourself and your family.


Brian Levins
Designscapes Colorado Inc.
ALCC Board President

2024 ALCC Platinum Sponsors