Are you satisfied with 2014? |
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Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:45 AM |
Get ready! When the new year starts, there will be many calls to action to get you ready to become a greater-than-ever person in 2015 than you were in 2014. So how did you do this year? Do you need a massive overhaul – or just some fine tuning? Here are a few thoughts about work-life priorities as shared by one of the industry’s nationally-known thought leaders, Jeffrey Scott. He will also be in Denver to kick off ALCC’s 2015 CEO Exchanges on February 10. Here are Scott’s suggestions for a more satisfying professional and personal life. Getting started, here are some things to think about:
#2 - Family: Take care of your family and they will take care of you. Ignore them and everyone suffers. Even the busiest person should be able to make it home by 5:30 pm for dinner. Still burning the candles at both ends? Start with two days a week. #3 - Colleagues: Satisfaction among the team and retention/stability is the foundation for client satisfaction and retention. Help build a team that will build the client base that is really the source of your income. These people include key vendors, suppliers and whomever is a strategic partner. Put them first. #4 - Clients: They are the life blood, and they want to work with a first class company that has its act together. Do you have your act together? Read more in this issue of Colorado Green NOW: |