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Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:45 AM

 Work-life balance in 2015

Get ready! When the new year starts, there will be many calls to action to get you ready to become a greater-than-ever person in 2015 than you were in 2014. So how did you do this year? Do you need a massive overhaul – or just some fine tuning?

Here are a few thoughts about work-life priorities as shared by one of the industry’s nationally-known thought leaders, Jeffrey Scott. He will also be in Denver to kick off ALCC’s 2015 CEO Exchanges on February 10.

Here are Scott’s suggestions for a more satisfying professional and personal life.

Getting started, here are some things to think about:

  • Work is more productive when it is more focused. It’s better to move 1 to 3 things forward a mile, instead of a thousand things forward an inch.
  • Family is more satisfying when it is experienced in the moment, away from technology and media. 
  • Your perspective is more balanced when you take a break and go to the gym or go for a run or walk. Get your pulse and heart beat up, and it will refill your reservoirs.

That said, you have 4 priorities in your career: 1) Personal health, 2) Family, 3) Your colleagues, 4) Your clients and customers. Your clients are best served in that order.

#1 - Personal health: Take care of yourself first in order to take care of others - when the oxygen mask drops down, put on your own first and then help those around you. Refill your tank, sharpen your blades, and organize your thoughts. The better shape you are in mentally and physically: the better father/mother, spouse, boss and leader you will be for others. Are you investing in your own well-being?

#2 - Family: Take care of your family and they will take care of you. Ignore them and everyone suffers. Even the busiest person should be able to make it home by 5:30 pm for dinner. Still burning the candles at both ends? Start with two days a week.

#3 - Colleagues: Satisfaction among the team and retention/stability is the foundation for client satisfaction and retention. Help build a team that will build the client base that is really the source of your income. These people include key vendors, suppliers and whomever is a strategic partner. Put them first.

#4 - Clients: They are the life blood, and they want to work with a first class company that has its act together. Do you have your act together?

New strategy for 2015? Schedule your personal commitments first, then schedule business around that. The other way around rarely works.

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green NOW:

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