Building a more sustainable business Email
Monday, November 23, 2015 07:02 AM


wind turbineSustainability may seem like a buzzword to some. But for many others, it’s a lifestyle and business model that is crucial to building a healthy future. Within Colorado’s green industry, many firms are seeking both information and inspiration that will help them become more sustainable.

ALCC's Sustainable Landscape Partners are presenting four sessions during ProGreen 2016 that will help green industry businesses build sustainability into their company culture, their marketing/recruiting efforts and their everyday field operations.

  • Creating a Company-wide Culture of Sustainability – Jeff Hohensee, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado 
    • For a company to be successful at sustainability, everyone must know how it relates to their roles whether they install in the field or design in the office. We will explore strategies and how companies in other industries have built a sustainable culture that benefits both the work they do and their profitability.
  • Repurposing: A New Weapon in Sustainable Landscaping – Damon Carson, Repurposed Materials, Inc.
    • This former disposal company owner will share how his vision to reduce waste in landfills, by repurposing waste from one industry into other industries, has created a successful business model. Be inspired by how his approach to sustainability has lowered materials costs for individuals and businesses across many industries.
  • Connecting Relationships between Landscapes & Health – Zachary Johnson, LA and Michael Steger, PhD, Colorado State University
    • What industry pros know intuitively – that landscapes are good for us – is being validated by scientific data. There are documented ecological, physical and psychological benefits of projects we design, build and manage. Knowing and using this information can help companies promote the value of landscaping to customers and recruit employees.
  • Maintenance Practices for Resilient Landscapes – Bernard Knapek, Timberline Landscaping, Inc., Marie Peacock, Gardenz, and John Reffel, JLS Landscape & Sprinkler, Inc. 
    • We will discuss common horticultural and operational practices that companies can follow to promote resilient, sustainable landscapes. What steps can you take in the field for long-term health? How will scheduling, transportation and contracts impact time on site to do what's best for plants? Interactive format for all to share tips/best practices.

ALCC members who attend two of these sessions will meet the Sustainable Landscape Partners training requirement. Learn more or register at

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green NOW:
How CoCal built a successful culture
Finish the year strong
Video: Leadership & organizational development
Micro-volunteering can reap big rewards

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