DOL establishes Office of Compliance Initiatives |
Written by Christy Eull |
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 02:00 AM |
In late August, U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta announced the U.S. Department of Labor's new Office of Compliance Initiatives (OCI). The cross-agency effort includes increased enforcement of compliance, as well as better efforts at compliance assistance outreach. Part of this initiative is the launch of and, two websites with resources to assess compliance with the law. Established within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, OCI will provide leadership and support to the Department's enforcement agencies, advancing the expansion and development of innovative approaches to compliance assistance and enforcement. OCI's work will include: provides a centralized base of information focused on federal worker protections. provides job creators easy-to-understand information about their responsibilities under federal laws and regulations. The Department expects more effective compliance assistance will help the Department target enforcement resources on repeat and willful violators to level the playing field for America's job creators who abide by the law. Read more in this issue of Colorado Green NOW: |