EPA finalizes Clean Water Rule |
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Why should the landscape industry care about the this rule? Some members of the green industry believe that this rule may "have a negative impact on public health and safety due to increased permitting requirements and costs for important pesticide applications." According to the EPA, the rule "does not create any new permitting requirements for agriculture and maintains all previous exemptions and exclusions." Today's news release addresses concerns about permits, the rules effect on water in ditches or sewer systems, and more. ALCC is reviewing this final rule and will share more information once the review is complete. Those interested can read the full rule at www2.epa.gov/cleanwaterrule/prepublication-version-final-rule. The Irrigation Association issued a statement on this rule: Agriculture groups continue to stress that the rule is a major federal overreach and hurts the collaborative relationship states have with the federal government when dealing with the Clean Water Act and its control over significant bodies of water. The original intent of the Clean Water Act is to protect “navigable” waterways, like bays and rivers, but the new rule grants EPA the authority to protect wetlands, headwaters and small water bodies that have the potential of carrying pollution to the larger waterways.Read the EPA news release: Clean Water Rule Protects Streams and Wetlands Critical to Public Health, Communities, and Economy Visit the Clean Water Rule web site: www2.epa.gov/cleanwaterruleLA Times article on the rule (May 28, 2015): www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-epa-clean-water-act-20150527-story.html Previously on the LAB: |