How do you support landscape contractors? Email
Written by Cherie Courtade   
Thursday, March 04, 2021 12:00 AM

Attention ALCC Associate members:

At Colorado Green magazine, we are discussing the ways that the landscape industry supports each other during challenging times. We hope to share some resources with landscape contractors on how they can rely on their network to help them be successful.

We know that the supplier community offers more than just products, often including free resources to customers. We invite you to tell us about resources that your company offers beyond your signature products and services that can help landscape contractors succeed. Do you offer classes for CEUs? Online tools? Apps to show techs how to use your irrigation controller? Informational handouts that contractors can give to clients after install to help new trees do well? Do you have marketing expertise and tips to share?

In essence, let us know what your company offers, why you offer it in addition to your usual portfolio of products and services, and how/where customers can find it.

Whatever it is, we’d like to hear about it. We hope to use some of what we learn in articles in the print magazine. We will also see how ALCC might share the information with members in other ways, such as through our website. Email us with your company's offerings or, if you prefer to talk by phone, let me know a day and time that works for you and where to contact you.

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