
Support the GreenCO PAC

Good afternoon,

I write to you today to ask for your support of the GreenCO Political Action Committee (PAC). As we do every two years, Colorado faces an election that will give one party or another control of either the House or Senate, or both. Over the past several election cycles, we have seen that when one party controls the Senate and the other the House, legislators compromise to produce more moderate legislative initiatives and create fewer new costs to both businesses and consumers.

In the coming weeks, ALCC and GreenCO will be interviewing legislative candidates. The purpose of the interviews is to understand candidates’ knowledge of the green industry, assess the likelihood that they’ll vote on issues important to us, and provide education about the issues that we face as an industry and how they can help to alleviate those issues. In addition, it provides us the opportunity to start a relationship with them which will make it easier in asking for their support in the future

<span ">Businesses’ greatest challenge in the 2020 election is to support and work for a balanced legislature by flipping control of the state Senate to Republican. The movement of just a few seats can change the balance of power in the Senate and provide business and our employees a stable and successful environment for the next two years.

GreenCO has for years supported candidates who understand the values and needs of business owners and work with GreenCO to find common-sense solutions. GreenCO has always sought to advocate on policy issues based on the science or the merits of any issue rather than party agendas.

Elections have consequences. If the 2020 election provides GreenCO and other business groups a balanced legislature, then the legislative agenda changes dramatically from those we have seen the past two years.

<span">Here are a few of the policy issues we may face in 2021 session, especially if the Democrats remain in total control of the legislature.

  • Employer mandates will continue. Those who continue to seek greater employee rights and benefits will use the legislature to mandate change and create new costs to be paid by businesses.
    1. Business liability will be expanded due to greater virus exposure issues and/or increasing worker compensation due to accidents or working conditions.
    2. Family leave will continue to be an issue, with greater emphasis on mandating paid time off.
    3. COVID-19 will continue to frame policy changes due to treatment, prevention or exposure issues.
    4. Unemployment Insurance Fund changes are possible due to the national debate on benefits and their extension.
  • Pesticide use and regulation will be on the table. State and local control will be a major issue.
  • Construction defect policy changes could potentially be folded into legislation about rent and payment protections for consumers due to COVID-19.
  • Increases in fees and license costs due to a major reduction in state revenues and local revenues. Governments are not prone to making necessary budget cuts if they can raise revenue in new ways to overcome shortfalls.
  • Lack of clear investment strategy by the state in water, transportation and vocational education can cause both our industries and our state long term harm.
  • With the potential for drought conditions to continue in Colorado, we must be aware of policy changes that change the state water plan and mandate construction guidelines that are not as effective as GreenCO Water Guidelines.

This election will frame the 2021 session and policy goals the legislature will undertake. GreenCO must be active in candidate selection and funding for business-friendly candidates who will support Colorado business and our continued successful operation.

To continue this invaluable work, we ask you to make a donation to the GreenCO PAC. Donations will be used as financial endorsements of candidates who we believe will advocate on our behalf and ensure our industry is taken care of and represented at the capital.

Please consider giving to GreenCO PAC fund. As little as $50 can help ensure our efforts to impact policy decisions are both successful and educational. At this time, corporations and individuals may donate up to $650 per legislative session.

Please let me know that you are willing to support us in our work. Reply to this message with your pledge of support. Checks can be sent to GreenCO PAC c/o ALCC, 1660 S. Albion St, Ste. 831, Denver, CO 80222.

Warm Regards,


John McMahon | Chief Executive Officer
Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado