Awards FAQ
Written by Melissa Emdin   
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 02:00 AM

Frequently asked questions about the ALCC Awards Program

Submitting and Paying for an Entry

Q. Why should I consider entering a project into the awards program?
A. Receiving an award in any category demonstrates the excellence in your work and the success of your business to your peers, fellow employees and staff. It creates peer recognition and credibility, is marketing fodder and represents the best of the best.

Q. What companies are eligible to enter into the awards program?
A. All regular, current ALCC members are eligible to submit entries. Some categories are for all ALCC members which also include associate members. Please see each entry form for specific requirements and instructions. Non-members are not eligible to submit entries.

Q. How do I submit an entry?
A. Entry forms for each category are available on ALCC’s website. The entry deadline for 2024 awards will be in August 2024. More information will be posted in summer 2024.

Q. How do the entry forms work?
A. Entry forms are online only. You you cannot print the form and submit via email. The entry form will save your progress as you go, if you use the same device (and do not clear your cookies). It is suggested that you complete the form in one sitting, so as not to lose your progress. You may want to click through the form to determine all of the information and documentation you need, and then return once you are ready to complete the form.

Q. What changes were recently made to the ELITE Award categories?
In 2021, ALCC decided to delay the award reception from spring to fall due to pandemic restrictions on in-person gatherings. This time was used to review and revise some of the award categories and nomination criteria. The focus of these changes was to simplify the award nomination forms, clarify confusing and extraneous criteria and encourage more companies to enter nominations. The major changes to categories include: elimination of the customer service and Use of Color categories, the addition of a Plant Design category and shifting the Innovation category to a no-fee award category. If you would like to learn more about the 2021 changes, view this recorded webinar (recorded 6/22/21).

Q. What information and documentation do I need to provide with my entry form?
A. This varies by award category, however, all categories require photos of the projects be submitted (the number of photos required varies by award category). Examples of other documentation required or recommended in certain categories include: landscape plans/drawings, a video of the site, a plant list, irrigation audit, details on recycled materials used in a project or other information. We suggest you access the entry form to determine all of the information and documentation you need, and then return once you are ready to complete the form.

Q. What is the cost to enter?
A. If your company is a current member of ALCC, the entry fee is $150 per entry. Non-members are not eligible to submit entries.  There is no entry fee for entries in the MVP and Innovation categories, however, you must be an ALCC member to submit entries in those categories.

Q. What forms of payment are accepted?
A. All major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) and company checks.

Q. Can I submit multiple entries in the same category?
A. When submitting multiple entries in the same category, you are not only competing against other companies, you are also competing against your own company as well. You can submit multiple entries, but keep this in mind.

Q. Is there a discount for submitting multiple entries?
A. No.

Q. Can I submit the same project in multiple categories?
A.  You can only enter your project in one category per year.  

Q. Can I submit a project I entered in a previous year?
A. You may submit the same project from a previous year if it was not selected as a finalist. If your project was a finalist in a previous year, you may not enter it in any category. Please review the individual award category criteria, as there is a limit to how old of a project you may submit.

Q. What is the submission deadline?
A. The entry deadline for 2023 awards is August 11, 2023.

Q. Are there any reasons an entry may be disqualified?
A. Yes. Your entry may be disqualified for one of the following reasons: the signature of release is not completed; the entry form is incomplete i.e., missing information, photos or videos not included; or your project does not meet certain criteria outlined in the form. No refunds shall be made if an entry is disqualified.

Judging, Recognition and Ceremony

Q. How are entries judged?
A. The evaluation criteria for each category are listed within each entry form. Judges will individually evaluate each entry within a specific category that they have knowledge of. Judges evaluate projects anonymously, so your company name is not attached to your entry.

Q. Who are the judges?
A. The judges are volunteers recruited from ALCC membership and non-members based on their knowledge of a specific category, integrity and objectivity. If you wish to volunteer as a judge for a specific category please contact Melissa Emdin, Programs & Education Director, at 720 307-5092 or [email protected]. ALCC staff review and approve all requests to be judges.

Q. Can I participate as a judge if my company has entered a project?
A. Yes, however you will not be allowed to judge any category in which your company has entered.

Q. How are winners notified?
A. Up to 3 projects are selected as finalists, based on judge scores from that category. Finalists are notified in advance, and the winner for each category will be announced at the awards ceremony.

Q. When is the awards ceremony?
A. The award presentation will take place in fall 2022 at a location is to be determined. More details will be provided as they are confirmed.

Q. If my entry is a finalist for an award within a category, do I have to attend the ceremony?
A. We strongly suggest that you attend. If you do not and you are announced as the winner, you will still receive the award and the well-deserved recognition. However, the ceremony is your company’s chance to showcase your work and receive recognition of your achievement. Each of the finalist companies will be showcased at the awards ceremony.

Q. Will ALCC help me with promoting the news if my company wins an award?
A. Yes. ALCC will provide a press release template that you can use to spread the word among your media contacts and clients. ALCC also issues its own press release listing all the winners. We also highlight the winners in our publication, Colorado Green Magazine.

General FAQs

Q. Will I receive feedback on my entry following the judge process?
A. We may be able to accommodate feedback upon request. Please contact Melissa Emdin at [email protected].

Q. Is there an appeals process if I do not win?
A. There is not an appeals process. This is an awards competition and decisions agreed on by the judges are final. Entrants are not allowed to lobby for an entry.

Q. Is there someone I can talk to if I have questions about my entry?
A. Yes. Any ALCC staff member can answer your questions about the online entry process (call 303 757-5611) or you may contact Melissa Emdin at 720 307-5092.

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