Wednesday, August 12, 2015 10:30 AM |
From an email sent today from the H-2B Ombudsman:
The National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC) is sending this e-mail to all survey contacts we’ve identified as those who have submitted H-2B surveys to our office within the past year. This email is pertaining to the upcoming H-2B Final Wage Rule Webinar scheduled for August 21, 2015. Survey standards will be the focus of the webinar briefing. The Department will host a public webinar to educate stakeholders, program users, and other interested members of the public on the changes to the H-2B program made by the H-2B 2015 Final Wage Rule, in effect as of April 29, 2015. The webinar briefing is scheduled for August 21, 2015, from 1:00 PM until 2:30 PM Eastern Daylight time. There is no pre-registration for the public webinar. The webinar will be accessible to the public on a first-come, first-served basis on the date specified. For further information and instructions, please see the Department’s H-2B Final Wage Rule public webinar announcement located on the Department’s website at: http://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/. Sincerely, Ombudsman Program Office of Foreign Labor Certification Department of Labor [email protected]
Written by Christy Eull
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 08:00 AM |
The majority of owners and managers of Colorado landscape companies believe drought positions their companies more for profit than for pain according to a poll earlier this season by Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado. In this poll, 85% of responding companies statewide said their businesses would not be hurt by drought – whenever it comes.
Optimism ranged from an enthusiastic, “I am SO going to profit off of drought!” to an optimistic, “We were fine in the last drought, and expect that with our reputation for Xeriscaping, we would do well in the next drought.”
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 08:00 AM |
The majority of owners and managers of Colorado landscape companies believe drought positions their companies more for profit than for pain according to a poll earlier this season by Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado. In this poll, 85% of responding companies statewide said their businesses would not be hurt by drought – whenever it comes.
Optimism ranged from an enthusiastic, “I am SO going to profit off of drought!” to an optimistic, “We were fine in the last drought, and expect that with our reputation for Xeriscaping, we would do well in the next drought.”
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 07:00 AM |
Last month, the Colorado Lottery 2015 Starburst Award winners were announced. Twenty-one winners in 19 different communities were recognized for excellence in the use of Lottery funds for community and conservation projects. Winners were chosen based on the creativity of the project, the economic and social impact on the community, and whether the project achieved its goal.
ALCC is pleased to announce that seven of those award-winning community projects were implemented by ALCC Affiliate members:
Written by ALCC
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 07:00 AM |
The Colorado Supreme Court opinion in June regarding Coats v. DISH Network LLC reinforced employers’ rights regarding zero-tolerance drug policies. That decision helped clarify rules regarding marijuana use by employees.
However, a recent case in New Mexico found that an employer is required to reimburse an employee for medical marijuana deemed “reasonable and necessary” to treat a work-related injury. This leaves some employers wondering if such a case could be brought up in their own business.
Similar cases will likely not be an issue in our state. Colorado’s medical marijuana code clearly states that “no governmental, private, or any other health insurance provider shall be required to be liable for any claim for reimbursement for the medical use of marijuana.” It also states that “nothing in this section shall require any employer to accommodate the medical use of marijuana in any work place” [Col. Const., Art. XVIII § 14 (10)(a)].
This code, along with the Coats v. DISH opinion, make the current rules quite clear that medical marijuana, even if prescribed for an injury covered by worker’s compensation, does not fall under the claim.
Previously on the LAB: Judges' opinion on Coats v. DISH means employers may keep zero-tolerance policies |
Written by Barbara Weltman
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 04:00 AM |
Like most small business owners who don’t think of July as an important tax time, you may not be thinking about taxes right now, but you should be. Here are three things to do now to help achieve a good tax outcome for the year.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 03:00 AM |
Stats and forecasters show a construction, jobs and population boom are underway in Colorado.
Contracts awarded for future construction in June 2015 are 2 1/3 times more than those awarded in June 2014. This is according to Dodge Data Analytics, which monitors and reports changes in construction activity each month. In addition, year-to-date comparisons of January through June 2014 to January to June 2015 show total permits – both residential and non-residential – are up 37% in 2015. In dollars, YTD total contracts awarded through June 2014 were $2,593,732,000 and YTD through June 2015 were at $3,549,620,000.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 02:00 AM |
With changes in technology and the ways that the consumers interact with businesses and brands, it can be overwhelming to consider how many channels your business must manage in order to stay connected. If you’re a small company, the job of managing social media may also fall on the shoulders of the person who is busy providing services. Finding the time to promote your company and communicate with customers can be a challenge.
Tuesday, August 04, 2015 06:15 AM |
The Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, chaired by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), recently held a hearing on the Department of Labor’s proposed changes to federal overtime rules. The hearing explored the impact the proposal would have on employee choice and opportunity, as well as the significant costs it would create for the nation's job creators. [video of the hearing after the jump]
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 09:20 AM |
Representatives of ALCC joined other members of the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) visited Washington, DC last week for the landscape industry’s annual Renewal & Remembrance and Legislative Day on the Hill. Nearly 450 professionals participated in the Renewal & Remembrance day of service at Arlington National Cemetery, and nearly 100 of those participants were on hand the next day to meet with legislators.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 10:58 AM |
Today, landscape professionals from across the nation have gathered in Washington, D.C. "to visit the offices of representatives and senators to discuss the issues that are vital to the future of the industry and to make sure our voice is heard on Capitol Hill." This initiative, known as Legislative Day on the Hill, is organized by National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP).
A delegation from ALCC has joined the group to represent the Colorado landscape industry. Issues to be addressed include:
- Comprehensive Immigration Reform
- The H-2B Program
- Seasonal Employee Healthcare
- Waters of the United States
- Pollinator Stewardship
You can follow the effort on Twitter by following NALP (@the_nalp) and the hashtags #landscapeadvocacy #nalpadvocates. You can also check for updates on NALP's page on Facebook.
ALCC will follow up after the event with an update about member participation in DC.
Previously on the LAB: 2015 Legislative Day on the Hill |
Monday, July 20, 2015 07:58 AM |
This week, the House Appropriations Committee passed the FY 2016 funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security. The bill includes the language below that would create an H-2B returning worker exemption for fiscal year 2016, which begins on October 1.
SEC. 561. Section 214(g)(9)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(g)(9)(A)) is amended by striking ‘‘2004, 2005, or 2006 shall not again be count- ed toward such limitation during fiscal year 2007.’’ and inserting ‘‘2013, 2014, or 2015 shall not again be counted toward such limitation during fiscal year 2016.’’
To supporters of this H-2B legislation: We will have a long way to go to preserve this language in a final appropriations measure later this year, but this is a very important first step. Please continue your H-2B outreach to lawmakers. |
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