ALCC news center
How to recruit US military veterans Email
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 08:00 PM


Hire a Colorado VeteranALCC members often cite hiring great staff as one of their biggest challenges. If you face a staffing shortage, have you considered hiring a US military veteran? There are many resources available to help you connect with vets and find quality employees. These resources serve the entire state of Colorado, so even if you are along the Western Slope or another town outside Fort Collins/Denver/Colorado Springs, there are tools available to you.

What’s new in 2015 for ALCC’s Job Fair? Email
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 05:00 PM


Landscape Industry Job FairIndustry job fairs are a key resource for finding people with experience and others looking for a new career. This year, ALCC is taking 5 new tactical steps to attract these job seekers to member organizations and to a great industry.

Diggin’ the dirt: 2015 is International Year of Soil Email
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 08:00 AM

Soils Support Urban LivingThe two most critical elements to sustaining life as we know it are water and soil. But when it comes to which one gets the spotlight, water always seems to win. It keeps the upper hand if for no other reason than it washes us off when we get dirty. Yet, as the soil nerds are quick to point out, there are more living organisms in a single teaspoon of soil than there are people on earth.

Those who dig the dirt and all it brings to life will be glad to know 2015 has been designated by the United Nations as the International Year of Soil, which has in turn been endorsed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).

OSHA plays big in recent spending package Email
Sunday, December 21, 2014 02:45 PM

OSHA rulemakingsThere are several points of interest related to OSHA in the spending package recently passed by Congress.

Many of the changes - whether taking affect or anticipated – could impact the green industry.

Are you satisfied with 2014? Email
Sunday, December 21, 2014 11:45 AM

 Work-life balance in 2015

Get ready! When the new year starts, there will be many calls to action to get you ready to become a greater-than-ever person in 2015 than you were in 2014. So how did you do this year? Do you need a massive overhaul – or just some fine tuning?

Here are a few thoughts about work-life priorities as shared by one of the industry’s nationally-known thought leaders, Jeffrey Scott. He will also be in Denver to kick off ALCC’s 2015 CEO Exchanges on February 10.

Recruiting in 2015 Email
Sunday, December 21, 2014 01:45 AM

Landscape industry job fairJob Fairs are an effective recruiting tool, because they can attract a lot of people who are most interested in what you do. If the promotion is targeted to the right audience, masses of people won’t show up – but the ones who do come to the event are prime candidates. It’s still quality over quantity.

In 2015 ALCC’s second go-round with a job fair on February 25, 2015, arises from lessons learned at that risk-taking event in 2014.

Marijuana and your company: Will court case turn your HR upside down? Email
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:45 AM

 judge gavelDid Dish Network act lawfully when it terminated employment of a quadriplegic who suffered from debilitating muscle spasms and possessed a valid medical marijuana prescription? That’s the case currently before the Colorado Supreme Court (CSC).  The court’s ruling is likely to impact your company – and businesses in all states.

Dish’s termination decision was based on the employee’s positive test for marijuana use even though he was never under the influence of the drug on company premises. Was this wrongful termination under Colorado’s “Lawful Activities” law which prohibits termination for off-the-clock legal behavior? Or was the termination lawful because marijuana use is illegal under federal law?

Turf war: artificial turf is under fire Email
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:34 AM

soccer picProfessional female soccer players are outraged that the 2015 Women’s World Cup hosted by Canada will be played on artificial turf while men will play on natural grass.

A group of players are, in fact, suing FIFA and the Canadian Soccer Association, alleging that requiring women to play on artificial turf constitutes gender discrimination. 

Fox News expose of Home Adviser could be your wake-up call Email
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:24 AM

home repairRecently, Fox News did an expose of jobs by remodeling contractors gone terribly bad.  All of the homeowners had hired their contractors via the Home Adviser network. 

The company links companies across the US and Canada that provide home-related services with homeowners who need help.  Seeing national coverage of worst case scenarios had to have been a public relations nightmare for this company whose international headquarters is in Golden, CO.

The latest on mulch and landscape fabric Email
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:08 AM

soil_picSoil is science and what you put on top of soil matters.  If you need to get that point across to clients, you can lean on research by soil scientists at Virginia Tech. 

You don’t have to be a scientist to understand what they have learned about mulch and landscape fabric and their practical points are easy to share.

Big Sky gets unexpected community service project Email
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:00 AM

Big Sky Renewal service projectBrian Dougherty with Big Sky Renewal got a call from Denver Police in October asking if he would help replace a stolen tree and he jumped at the community service project. 

From the moment he got the phone call, Dougherty was committed to make it right.  A pine tree had been removed from a 20-year-old park that had once been an abandoned gas station. 

2015 HR alerts: changes in contribution limits Email
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 06:00 PM

Changes are ahead that will require companies and their HR teams to be prepared before issuing the first payroll in 2015. Below is a summary of changes and other information that HR people need to know as they prepare for the new year.

Social Security & Medicare
The Social Security Wage Base for 2015 will increase from $117,000 in 2014 to $118,500 effective January 1, 2015. The maximum yearly Social Security tax withholding amount rises to $7,347 (6.2% of $118,500). The 6.2% contributed by the employee is matched by the employer.

ALCC Volunteer Awards Email
Written by Christy Eull   
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:00 PM

Who do you know who fits this profile?

VolunteersDo you know someone who rolls up his or her sleeves to tackle project? Likes to make a difference? Won’t hedge when you ask for help and probably likes to have a good time?

This is the kind of person who believes in the good of a cause or a project enough to want to move it forward to make an impact.

That person you are thinking of (is it you?) is a volunteer.

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