Look for these new CSU Top Performer perennials Email
Written by Colorado Green NOW   
Tuesday, February 08, 2022 02:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

As 2021 was wrapping up, Colorado State University (CSU) revealed “Top Performer” perennials from its trials. During the herbaceous perennial trials—part of CSU’s continuous and tireless research programs that test if plants are suited to Colorado—plants are observed over a three-year period. For the 2021 trials, 126 varieties were planted in 2019. To be rated as a CSU Top Performer, plants have to have had great survival percentages after two winters and three growing seasons, and received excellent ratings throughout the three growing seasons.

A subcommittee of the CSU Annual Trial Garden Advisory Committee evaluated 12 of the top performing perennials in November 2021 by examining photos of these plants taken every two weeks during the three growing seasons. A majority vote in favor from the committee is needed for a perennial to become a CSU Top Performer, which means the perennials have proven to be adaptable for the Front Range of Colorado. A complete report on the perennials in the trial can be viewed at www.flowertrials.colostate.edu and choose “Top Performer" Perennials.

Hopefully many of you will start to grow, sell and utilize these proven plants for Colorado landscapes.

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