The SLM training and certificate program outlines sustainable landscape maintenance practices, why they are important and different from prior practices, anticipated outcome of proper techniques, and who will benefit from the application of these techniques and practices. This is a 4-hour class from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (unless otherwise specified). After the class, attendees will take an online exam. A passing score on the exam will earn attendees the SLM certificate. Each registrant must have an SLM manual, Sustainable Landscape Management: A Guide to More Sustainable Landscapes in Colorado, Urban Landscape SustainabilityTM by Janet Waibel for the class. Registrants may purchase the manual online at the same time they register for the class or over the phone by calling 303-757-5611. The manual may be shipped to a specified address, picked up at the ALCC office, or picked up at the class.
The SLM training class and certificate is open to ALCC members only. Not an ALCC member yet? Contact Tammy DiFalco to join today!
2025 SLM training class schedule* Registration for summer and fall classes will open in spring 2025. Special thanks to Northern Water Conservancy District for subsidizing the registration fee for participants for a limited time. |