Technician boot camp offers hands-on training and test prep Email
Written by Colorado Green NOW   
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 03:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

As COVID restrictions on in-person events are eased and groups are able to gather again, ALCC has ramped up its slate of fall education and events. A look at the calendar reveals the expected topic areas like Sustainable Landscape Maintenance and Irrigation Boot Camp as well as timely topics such as Pricing & Estimating in Inflationary Times. But ALCC is also piloting a new program: Landscape Technician Boot Camp.

“When the certification test moved to an online format, ALCC felt it was important to continue to offer an opportunity to practice the hands-on skills necessary to be a successful technician,” said ALCC CEO John McMahon. “Landscape Technician Boot Camp is valuable for those pursuing certification but also for any employer looking to help their employees gain the skills needed to further their career.”

Designed for those preparing for Landscape Industry Certification testing, the pilot program offers five modules: Softscape Install, Hardscape Install, Turf Maintenance, Ornamental Maintenance, or Irrigation. Participants may register for one module. Each module will include 6-8 lessons (two hours per lesson) over the course of the two-day boot camp. At the conclusion of the two-day program, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

For those already certified, the program provides an opportunity to earn CEUs toward recertification to those who volunteer to prepare and instruct the modules.

“While online events, including the virtual ProGreen Experience, offered CEU opportunities, pandemic restrictions and the move to online certification testing left some certified individuals without the in-person networking and CEU earning of hands-on testing,” notes ALCC Program & Events Director Melissa Emdin. “Boot camp offers an experience similar to the hands-on test, but with a bit of scheduling flexibility.”

Instructors can volunteer for as little as two hours or as many as eight, depending on how many lessons they instruct within a module. Those interested in volunteering as an instructor can contact Melissa Emdin at 720-307-5092. The boot camp will take place at the former site of hands-on testing at Pickens Technical College in Aurora on October 7 & 8.

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