Industry unites to defeat SB22-131 Email
Written by Colorado Green NOW   
Monday, March 07, 2022 01:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Ninety people, including many representatives from lawn care, landscaping and pesticide companies, with additional support from farming and golf course sectors, mobilized March 3, 2022 at the State Capitol for the hearing on SB22-131. Landscape industry professionals came to oppose the bill which they believed lacked scientific evidence with respect to pesticides and what Jason Schmidt of Weed Man Lawn Care called “a blatant disregard to the harmful effects of rolling back preemption.” Following a 10-hour hearing, the bill was defeated at 11 pm by a vote of 6-1.

The industry opposition effort was under the auspices of Green Industries of Colorado (GreenCO) whose legislative committee directs lobbying efforts on behalf of the interests of the seven organizations which comprise its membership. Colorado Arborists and Lawn Care Professionals (CALCP) took the lead in this effort.

CALCP credited Schmidt, a CALCP board member, for his leadership and testifying during the hearing. According to Schmidt, “Our industry was at the crosshairs of this bill.” Among other things, it would have restricted the use of pesticides on grounds of a school, preschool program, childcare center, or children’s resident camp.

Rallying opposition to this proposed legislation is consistent with GreenCO’s stance on pesticide regulation, namely, to oppose measures to allow local control when applying pesticides, to oppose non-research based arbitrary bans on pesticides and to closely monitor and oppose any effort to expand pesticide regulatory burden.

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