Education is key in protecting pollinators Email
Tuesday, June 09, 2015 10:00 AM


Landscape companies can help protect pollinatorsThe green industry is keenly aware of the public concern for the health of bees and other pollinators. It is responding with information, tools, and resources to help both landscape businesses and consumers make informed decisions.

This year, National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) issued Best Management Practices (BMPs) to Protect Pollinators, a list of practices recommended for landscape companies. The BMPs recommend an understanding of which plants attract pollinators and how to insure that those plants remain healthy pollinator habitats. 

The BMPs also urge the educated, safe use of appropriate pesticides when treating the landscape. Landscape contractors can insure a beautiful, healthy backyard habitat using their knowledge of which products should be used on each plant—and in what formulation.

You can learn more about NALP’s pollinator protection efforts at their web site.

To support the green industry’s education regarding this issue, Colorado Green NOW is pleased to share the following educational session from ProGreen EXPO 2015. “Pollinators and Pesticides” was presented by Craig Regelbrugge, Senior Vice President--Industry Advocacy & Research at AmericanHort. He spoke about the science behind current beliefs surrounding pollinators and insecticides and about what the landscape industry can do to help pollinators.

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green NOW:
White House Pollinator Task Force unveils national strategic plan
Help your clients help out pollinators
Does your team have a heat safety plan?
PlantSelect offers resources for pollinator-friendly gardens and beyond

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