Are you irresistible? Email
Thursday, March 12, 2015 06:21 PM

Whether it’s corporate America or the little company down the street, making your company irresistible is the key to recruiting and keeping good people.  And it’s not just about money.

Compensation ranks among the top 5 drivers toward employment, but more money and benefits won’t guarantee loyalty.  In other words, once pay is competitive and fair, other issues have a much greater impact.  There are 4 key areas where companies can become irresistible.

#1 – Make work meaningful
Research shows that when we enrich people’s jobs by giving them more autonomy, decision-making power, time and support, the company makes more money. Whole Foods, COSTCO and UPS are examples of companies that deliver higher profitability per employee by giving them above-average wages and greater control over their jobs.

Meaningful work also takes place in small teams. Rule of thumb:  If there are more than 2 pizzas in the room for lunch, then the team is too big.

#2 – Foster great management
Middle managers are the ones who make things happen in companies and with simple, clear goals that are measured frequently – not just at year end.  Coaching and leadership development are also key to the process.  If you coach a sports team, you know that nothing makes a player feel better than helping him or her become more successful.  Management’s job is not to manage work – but to develop, coach and help people.

#3 – Make your workplace flexible, humane and inclusive
If leaders want people to engage with their company, they have to provide a flexible and supportive work environment.  For example, 68% of women would rather have more free time than make more money.  Recognition is part of being humane and “high recognition” companies have nearly one-third less turnover.  A simple “Thank you,” spoken often and meaningfully is critical to the culture.

#4 – Create ample opportunities for growth
The top drivers for employee satisfaction are learning opportunities, professional development and career progression.  In fact, professional development is the No. 1 driver for employees 25 and younger, and it is No. 2 for workers up to age 35.

Here are some stats about companies with a strong learning culture.  These companies are:

  • 92% more innovative with products and services
  • 52% more productive and
  • 17% more profitable than their peers.

These principles may work for COSTCO, but do they work for the landscape industry?  Pick up your March/April issue of Colorado Green magazine and read what Rory Lamberton, CEO Emerald Isle Landscaping and his chief sales officer Josh Cyboron say about culture, leadership development, growth and retention.

Excerpted from the Deloitte Review, Issue 16, 2015

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Building a jobs pipeline
Houzz: Growth strong for residential market

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