Irrigation Boot Camp SOLD OUT! Email
Written by Colorado Green NOW   
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 02:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

ALCC’s popular spring training for irrigation techs sold out all available slots at the event held at DBC Irrigation Supply’s Wheat Ridge location. Previous sessions held 2020/2021 had reduced capacity due to social distancing and were offered a total of only three times. Now that Boot Camp has returned, more techs are learning not only the ongoing importance of water management, but hands-on skills and strategies for keeping systems operational.

Instructor Lyle Fair has long been an advocate for irrigation techs being the “rock stars” of the industry. “Our water savings—or loss—is literally in their hands,” he says, “and every technician needs to value his or her contribution to conserving Colorado’s water.”

During 32 hours of training, participants learn basic irrigation concepts, system components and assembly, how systems work, troubleshooting strategies and system repairs. They also are introduced to programming controllers to manage water efficiently. Trenching equipment is showcased during one segment so that techs can see the machine operate and get an overview of safety and operational best practices.

On the last day of the session, attendees are awarded a certificate documenting their participation in the session and completion of training requirements.
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