Landscape Career Pathways continue, though smaller due to pandemic Email
Written by Colorado Green NOW   
Tuesday, March 09, 2021 03:00 AM

The pandemic and related restrictions have limited the Landscape Career Pathways Programs in the last year, but Pickens Technical College has been able to continue its Urban Horticulture and Landscape Management Program with some modifications for safety and compliance with new rules.

Classes have been meeting in person since last August, though they briefly switched to completely online classes between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2020. “We were fortunate that, early in the pandemic, horticulture was deemed an essential service,” says Pickens instructor Michael Fedison. “That allowed us to continue in-person instruction.”

Class size is capped at 10 students to accommodate social distancing, though much of the education is conducted outdoors or in greenhouses that allow for greater safety measures. As restrictions ease, Pickens looks forward to accommodating more students. 

While the winter poinsettia sale, normally held indoors, had to be canceled, students look forward to hosting the annual Mother’s Day plant sale May 5-7. The sale will be a “drive-through” event, with customers placing an order when they arrive on-site. Students will take orders, retrieve the plants and
deliver them to vehicles.

With the added challenges of hosting a drive-through sale, the plant offerings will be streamlined to keep the event manageable. Popular geraniums, perennials, and tomatoes will be available to buyers. 

This article originally appeared in the March/April 2021 issue of Colorado Green magazine.

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