ALCC news center
Colorado Water Plan protects precious resource for future generations Email
Written by Katie Weeman   
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Water conservation at the local level is a critical and ongoing focus of the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) and the Colorado Water Plan, essential to help reduce the risk of future municipal shortages and keep water in our streams. The CWCB supports water conservation efforts through funding, programs and special initiatives that help Colorado envision and realize a more water-wise future. The CWCB funds many projects through the Colorado Water Plan Grant program, and Conservation and Land Use is one of the categories within that grant program. The Water Plan also speaks to the importance of advancing water conservation, land use planning, and alternative water supplies (e.g., water reuse). Consequently, the CWCB funds many entities working to advance these efforts, whether building local capacity to institute water smart land use policies, investing in big xeriscaping projects, or even developing a mobile direct potable reuse demonstration trailer.  

Programmatically, the CWCB often runs conservation-oriented efforts. In fact, the CWCB runs the nation’s largest voluntary water loss training program, an initiative that helps cities reduce water loss in their delivery systems. It also manages the state’s new Turf Replacement Program, which provides matching funds to eligible entities (e.g. water utilities) to advance local turf removal projects or rebates. 

The CWCB also takes on many special initiatives, some of which are outlined in the agency actions in the water plan. Often CWCB’s efforts are multifaceted. For example, Action 1.7 of the water plan identifies turf replacement as essential to support transformative landscape change and reduce municipal water use while maintaining resilient, livable, and attractive outdoor environments. To help understand how to advance these efforts, Colorado Governor Jared Polis tasked CWCB with managing a 21-person Urban Landscape Conservation Task Force to explore what suite of tools might exist or need to be considered to help to continue to drive down outdoor water use while still maintaining benefits that range from housing affordability to protecting trees and pollinators. The task force will continue to meet through the end of 2023 with the goal of producing a final set of considerations in the new year. 

Across all these efforts, CWCB remains committed to its mission: to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorado’s water for present and future generations. As part of this, a clear focus on reducing outdoor water use and building tomorrow’s landscapes today means more closely aligning land use plans, water use, and water conservation. Learn more about what CWCB is up to at or engage

ASLA Colorado/Wyoming celebrates 50 years Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Colorado Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Colorado/Wyoming (ASLA CO/WY), founded in 1973. (New Mexico was part of the group when it was founded but has since left.)

Licensing of landscape architects in Colorado owes much to Jane Silverstein Ries, who worked to establish a Colorado licensing authority in the 1960s. After the Landscape Architect Registration Act passed in Colorado, Ries became the first woman to be certified as a licensed landscape architect in the state in 1968. Before the Colorado Chapter was formed, Ries served as the first president of ASLA Rocky Mountain Chapter. Her legacy continues to be recognized with the Jane Silverstein Ries Foundation, ASLA CO/WY’s charitable nonprofit.

Through members’ work dedicated to enhancing natural and built environments, the association continues to promote development, education and awareness of the landscape architecture profession in Colorado and Wyoming. ASLA CO/WY celebrated the milestone at the Washington Park Boathouse in Denver in July.

Turf Replacement: Education Matters! Email
Written by Lisa Pace   
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Turf replacement is expensive—costing anywhere from $2 to $15 per square foot—and doesn’t always guarantee water savings. In April, Colorado Springs Utilities set out to establish a turf replacement program for residential customers that’s affordable, guarantees water savings and ensures a resilient landscape change.

After much research and customer feedback, we established the following:

• When homeowners are having trouble maintaining their lawn, they are more willing to consider water-wise landscape options.

• Transitioning non-essential turf to native grasses is the most resilient, appealing option.

• A DIY conversion to native grass is a reasonably priced landscape change and something our customers want.

• Promoting a full-irrigation zone change along with free, high-efficiency nozzles best supports efficient water management.

Educating customers on how to do all of this work is the most important factor! Based on this, we created a program that provides:

• An initial education session about native grass and how to convert your lawn that sets expectations for what it will take to be successful and what to expect through establishment, accompanied by a DIY manual

• Multiple check-in sessions across the landscape transition period to answer customer questions and provide support, ensuring that customers feel confident doing the work.

• A second educational session to train customers on irrigation efficiency and provide free, high-efficiency nozzle replacements for the transition area

• Free native grass seed after customers determine the right grass type for their conversion project and demonstrate (through photos) that they have removed turf grass.

Given the amount of media attention turf replacement has received in Colorado, we knew it would be easy to get customers interested in this program. With very little promotion, we quickly had 300 sign-ups. About 250 customers attended our first class, and 135 moved to the second education class, received irrigation head upgrades and placed native grass seed orders. In early June, we handed out native seed, and about 75 customers have received seed. To learn more, visit TurfReplacementProgram.aspx. |

Stop the Insanity! Email
Written by Megan Townsend   
Monday, September 25, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Start your journey from burnout to balance

Most business owners can identify with at least one, if not all, of these statements and often aren’t sure how to get past feeling stuck in the day-to-day. There are countless coaches and programs who promise to help grow your business and fulfill your dreams and goals. What most of these programs are missing is the concept of having an enviable life while growing your business. What if you could enjoy the journey and not feel burned out while achieving your goals?

It’s easier than you think. You simply need to set your vision, stay true to your priorities and take action. The life of your dreams will begin to fall into place.

To achieve your dream, you must first have a clear vision of what it is. Can you close your eyes and clearly see yourself doing exactly what you want to be doing in 10 years? If not, spend some time daydreaming about it.

No two dreams are the same, but if you are going to achieve your dream, you have to be able to see it, feel it, taste it and experience it in detail in your mind. If your goals aren’t specific, they will be hard to achieve.

Once you have a clear vision, write it down, create a visual and keep it somewhere obvious. You want it in front of your face every day. Include a due date for your dream; otherwise, it will always be “someday” and never reality.

The next step toward a more enjoyable life is prioritization. Some common priorities are family, faith, even wealth. Maybe you want to enjoy life while you are still young. What are your top three priorities? Write them down. Now.

When you have a clear vision and your priorities are defined, decision-making becomes almost effortless. Say yes to opportunities that fall in line with your vision and priorities and let other opportunities pass.

Now, let’s get back to how you can avoid burnout and stop delaying happiness. Does this sound familiar?

“I’ll have more time for my family when this project is done.” “If I can just hit that next goal, I’ll finally be happy.”

Nope and nope. There is freedom in working to live rather than living to work. Delaying happiness now in the pursuit of a dream leads to burnout and dread of the day-to-day.

Systemize Your Business

Take the following action steps to start systemizing your business so you have time to enjoy your life outside of work. Set boundaries. Time and physical boundaries are important to a balanced life. Try setting your own work hours and sticking to them. Fill your non-work hours with your personal priorities: family, health, hobbies, etc.

Delegate and outsource.

Create a plan to delegate or outsource anything you aren’t good at, anything you are good at but don’t love, and anything that takes you away from working on your business instead of in it.

Try this exercise: Have a central place where you write down every single task you do for your business over the next month. Track the hours it takes to do these tasks. As you can afford to delegate or outsource, you know how much you can off-load because you know the time requirement of the task.

Capture videos of your processes.

There are services like Loom that allow you to store screen-capture videos to the cloud. Start capturing videos of your regular tasks on the computer that you can use as a training tool to easily delegate tasks “only you know how to do.” This leaves more time for you to do the more important tasks and strategize for business growth. 

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green Now:

Legislative update

Thought leaders retreat explores innovation and the future of work




Thought leaders retreat explores innovation and the future of work Email
Written by Steve Steele   
Monday, September 25, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Char Farley Chacon, division manager at Denver-based Designscapes, a member of the ALCC’s board of directors and the committee chair for ALCC’s Women in Green, is challenging barriers to the advancement of women in the green industry. Well-known across Colorado for her fierce commitment to ALCC’s LatiKNOWs diversity and empowerment program, which gives people across organizations the tools they need to better navigate the leadership landscape, Chacon is quickly becoming a rising industry star on the national level. 

At this year’s Thought Leaders Retreat, held at the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach, Florida, Chacon shared the floor with Heidi Dillon, regional manager of DeSantis Landscapes in Oregon, and Leslie Herndon, president of Greenscape in North Carolina. The panel examined the question of differentiation, exploring how landscape companies can deliver unique value if they are all doing the same things, using the same tools and technologies, and applying the same best practices.

Chacon said unique value starts with reducing opportunity inequities through mentoring and advocacy, as well as finding understanding and common ground. The leadership path can only be lit, Chacon said, when everyone speaks the same language. At Designscapes, that means professional development, training and language lessons. The company subsidizes a bilingual education program, with classes held weekly, that has been well received by the employees.

The Designscapes language program builds morale, camaraderie and communication in and out of the field and helps the company attract new employees and assist recipients of the firm’s Permanent Residency Program, which eases some of the uncertainty of H2B. To date, Chacon said, Designscapes has sponsored and helped 60 employees to become U.S. residents. Leadership presents an opportunity and a responsibility for people at all levels to be better role models, Chacon said. Leaders should empower fresh thinking, lift people up and allow every individual to flourish and succeed. Thought Leaders Retreat explores innovation and the future of work.

This year’s Thought Leaders Retreat, an annual event produced by Bruce Wilson & Co., one of the green industry’s largest and oldest advisory firms, broke records for sponsorship and attendance. Colorado was represented by delegates from Designscapes, Fort Collins-based Lindgren Landscapes and Denver-based Lifescape Colorado. Boulder tech firm TeamEngine and Denver-based Scythe Robotics were among the event’s sponsors. Michael Mayberry, customer success lead at Scythe, was a featured speaker on innovation, the guiding theme of the Thought Leaders conference and its focus on the future of work.

Bruce Wilson wrapped up the two-and-a-half-day event with a call to action: “Every organization needs bold inventiveness. But creativity is only half of what gets us to the other side of the box. This time is dedicated to how to create an innovation culture, how to inspire the next great idea and how to improve our capacity to innovate by asking what we would do differently if we knew anything’s possible?”

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green Now:

Legislative update

Stop the Insanity!

Legislative update Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Monday, September 25, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Make your voice heard on proposed gas-powered equipment restrictions

The Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC) is moving forward on its recommended ban of handheld 10-horsepower lawn and garden equipment starting in 2025. ALCC, GreenCO and NALP are engaged in the conversations with RAQC and other stakeholders. The proposal would prohibit public entities within the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone nonattainment area (and the lawn and garden services they contract) from using small gasoline-powered push and hand-held equipment between June 1 and August 31. Landscapers would have to switch to Make your voice heard on proposed gas-powered equipment restrictions electric lawn mowers, leaf blowers and chain saws, but homeowners would still be allowed to use them.

The restriction would not apply to large gas-powered riding equipment and tractors, or equipment used during a declared emergency or storm cleanup.

ALCC is working with GreenCO and NALP on strategies and action to help protect the Colorado landscape industry’s interests in this discussion. In 2022, ALCC, GreenCO and NALP successfully lobbied against legislation that would have banned the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment in areas that aren’t meeting federal ozone standards. Instead, the Colorado Legislature passed an amended bill that requires state environmental regulators to develop a financial incentive program for electric power equipment.

The RAQC recommendation must go through many more steps before the ban would take effect. ALCC will send a survey asking about potential impacts on your business in the coming weeks. The public can comment on the draft regulations at https://raqc. org/elg-comments. For more information, visit 


Urban Landscape Sustainability program now available in Colorado Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Throughout Colorado, water shortages are impacting how urban landscapes are cared for and the cost of landscape maintenance. To better steward water resources and provide high-quality, conscientious landscape maintenance, Associated Landscape Contractors (ALCC) of Colorado offers Sustainable Landscape Management (SLM) certification.

The SLM program provides foundational education about the natural and constructed systems that comprise the urban landscape, as well as how the different systems relate and the interdependence that exists between them. Topics include soil, irrigation, planting trees and integrated pest management.

Because the urban landscape is an interdependent system, the context of one element is dependent on the success of many others. For example, a healthy tree depends on proper planting, staking, irrigation and soil conditions. Each element needs attention and awareness so the overall landscape can be healthy, water conscious, long lasting and beautiful. Teaching professionals about what the elements are and how they affect one another generates a more holistic awareness, allowing them to make good decisions in the field.

Janet Waibel, a registered landscape architect at Tempe, Arizona-based Waibel & Associates Landscape Architecture, began preparing standards for care in Arizona during the economic downturn of 2008, when her workload dwindled, and she had time to write. Her goal was to share better ways to take care of Arizona landscapes, promote sustainability and enable landscape designs to reach their full potential in urban settings.

In 2017, Waibel partnered with ALCC to create a book, curriculum and testing for ALCC’s SLM program, which is available with membership. The book includes chapters on a variety of topics, including urban soils, planting composition, trees, shrubs, turf site drainage, irrigation, composting and integrated pest management.

The Urban Landscape Sustainability collection of materials includes books, curriculum and testing items. The premise is regional focus for simple, practical methods about how to help every element in the landscape system thrive. Plants and trees are more sustainable and require less care when irrigation is appropriate, soils are beneficial and site conditions are monitored.

The program includes:

Sustainable Landscape Management – Standards for Care in the Desert Southwest (English and Spanish)

Sustainable Landscape Management – A Guide to More Sustainable Landscapes in Colorado

Sustainable Landscape Construction (available later this year)

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green Now:


2023 Plant Select Award Winners


Arvada arborist branches out



Arvada arborist branches out Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

A tree climber first and foremost, Forrest Bullard, owner and operator of Bullard Tree and Garden in Arvada, developed his skills as an arborist working for the U.S. Forest Service in Oregon and Swingle Lawn, Tree & Landscape Care in Fort Collins.  

 At Swingle (now SavATree), Bullard realized arborist services were in high demand, and he took on extra jobs on weekends. He earned his arborist certification in 2013, and he left Swingle to found Bullard Tree and Garden in 2015. He worked with other arborists until 2018, when he fully transitioned to being in business on his own.  

Initially, we were installing tree rings by removing grass around trees and putting in mulch. This progressed to making recommendations on replacing turf near fence lines,” he says. Soon Bullard and his two-person crew were replacing grass with water-wise plants as they learned more about landscape installation and xeriscape principles. He uses Procreate to help clients visualize simple design projects. 

Irrigation and conservation 

When planting trees, it’s not uncommon to damage irrigation systems, Bullard says. “I learned how to fix breaks in irrigation systems out of necessity.”  

He recently participated in ALCC’s Irrigation Boot Camp and received Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) certification.  

Water is just one resource Bullard doesn’t want to waste. His company seeks to reduce its use of all materials and minimize the environmental impact of its work. “We sell what works best for the customer,” he says. We measure accurately, minimize material waste and don’t lay siege to the property.”  

Bullard enjoys networking, collaborating and learning from people at other companies. In time, he hopes to broaden his company’s offerings—but that’s a bit tricky. “Right now, about two-thirds of our income is from tree care,” he says. “It’s a balancing act because we want to add professional services but not dilute the base. Tree care is my primary skill set.”  

He wants to keep the work honest. I won’t take on projects that we can’t do,he says.  

Expanding the business will require hiring someone with skills he doesn’t have, which likely won’t happen until at least next spring.  

“Right now, I still want to keep it simple. I’ll continue to learn more skills, but I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew.” 

2023 Plant Select Award Winners Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Plant Select honors growers, educators and designers for promoting sustainable plants 

Every year, Plant Select recognizes individuals, organizations and demonstration gardens that have gone above and beyond to advance Plant Select’s mission of offering low-maintenance, low-water plants that flourish in the Rocky Mountain region.

The 2023 winners are: 

Individual Partner Award 

Dale Kiyota 

At Kiyota Greenhouse in Fort Lupton, Dale Kiyota grows more than 50 Plant Select perennials that he sells to garden centers up and down the Front Range and to landscape contractors.  

Individual Partner Award 

Lauren Springer 

Lauren Springer, author of The Undaunted Garden: Planting for Weather-Resilient Beauty (Chicago Review Press, 2011), has brought many drought-tolerant plants to Plant Select since its inception. 

Organizational Partner Award  

Echter’s Nursery & Garden Center in Arvada has a designated area for Plant Select plants that it promotes with information and programming. 

Organizational Partner Award 

Perennial Favorites 

An early participant in Plant Select’s Propagation Committee, Perennial Favorites of Layton, Utah, grows a long list of Plant Select favorites. 

Showcase Garden Award 

Idaho Firewise 

In the aftermath of the Marshall Fire, Moscow, Idaho-based Idaho Firewise is helping to educate Coloradans about plants with low amounts of volatile oils and other flammable chemicals and plants that produce less litter that can fuel flames. 

Golden Shovel Award 

Treasure Island Demonstration Garden 

The Treasure Island Demonstration Garden, next to a bike trail in Windsor, exhibits several different gardening styles featuring Plant Select plants. 

Golden Shovel Award 

Aurora Water-wise Garden 

The City of Aurora’s demonstration garden helps community members discover new plants that will thrive in a city with some of the state’s strictest water restrictions. 


Matt Akabane brings 35 years' experience to Hughes Landscaping Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Matt Akabane, operations manager at Hughes Landscaping, Inc., Parker, recently moved to Parker from California with the hope of applying his extensive knowledge of plants and trees to landscapes in Colorado. He and his family were attracted to the state for its scenery, culture and lifestyle.

Akabane grew up in his father’s landscape business, working along with his brother and mother. His father, who immigrated from Tokyo, was a Bonsai specialist. “My father taught me about designs and creativity” Akabane shares. “He always said to make sure plants have dimension, vibrant color at different times of the year, and balance.”

After attending California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo, Akabane continued to work in the family business where he operated the retail, and landscape and maintenance divisions. He credits his experience in this business with gaining his extensive knowledge of plants and trees that enables him to create beautiful landscapes. He has designed more than 2,500 projects for clients, friends and companies.

After 40 years of providing quality plants and knowledge to the community, the family sold the land and business in 2019, prompting Akabane to consider new options.

Adopting another ‘family’ – family business that is

With Hughes Landscaping, Akabane is working for another family-owned and operated business. Hughes Landscaping has been in business since 1988, installing landscapes and providing the year-round maintenance services to sustain their beauty.

Coming from the industry, Akabane’s 35 years’ experience seemed like a great fit for owners Angie and Kurt Hughes, who thought his skills were well-suited for the company’s landscape division where Akabane could help with design and sales. He began his work at Hughes Landscaping in July 2022.

“I love what I do and wanted to get back into landscaping and create beautiful landscapes for clients,” he says. He now realizes that the Hughes family owns and operates other businesses including Pine Lane Nursery, Bonnie Blues Wedding Venue, and The Sod Guy, now in Parker and Colorado Springs.

“I want Hughes Landscaping to be a household name and for people who need landscape design or installation to think about Hughes Landscaping first for consultations, professional designs, installation, irrigation, hardscapes and maintenance. Visit to learn more.



Read more in this issue of Colorado Green Now:

Legislative Wins

Women In Green Committee update

Legislative Wins Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Legislative wins for GreenCO in 2023  

Hicks & Associates reviewed every bill that was introduced to determine the possible effects it could have on GreenCO and business.  

GreenCO tracked over 40 bills this session and with the help of the Legislative Committee were able to take a deep dive into the bills and take positions on multiple pieces of legislation.  

GreenCO collaborated closely with the General Assembly but also with the agriculture industry, construction industry, and general business groups, throughout the session on multiple pieces of legislation.    

This session the top priority for GreenCO was the Pesticide Applicator Sunset bill. Pesticides has been a hot topic at the Capitol for the past few sessions, especially as it pertains to local preemption. GreenCO continues to work with CRPA (Coloradoans for Responsible Pesticide Application) and other industry partners on all things pesticide related. As we continued to be proactive, GreenCO helped host a Pesticide Applicator Advocacy Day at the Capitol, where we spoke with members of the legislature to discuss the Sunset bill/pesticide regulation as well as educate them on who we are. This proved to be very beneficial as we were engaged on the two pieces of legislation regarding pesticides.    

SB23-192 Sunset Pesticide Applicators’ Act was up for renewal this year. GreenCO and CPRA have been working on this sunset over the last year. In working with the coalition, we kept our messaging pointed and fact/science-based on the issues. As we stood together, we attended multiple stakeholder meetings, both prior to the session and during the session, and were able to get this bill passed without local preemption. 

The conversation around water has been ongoing over the past few years but the General Assembly hasn’t passed a great deal of legislation to address the ongoing water issues in the state. Coming into the session water was a top priority and there were multiple bills introduced and passed to try and get a grip on the water issues throughout the state. 

SB23-178 Water-wise landscaping in Homeowners’ Association Communities will remove barriers to water-wise landscaping in HOA communities. This will allow for more landscaping options within HOA’s along with helping with the water issue by allowing drought tolerant plants and landscaping. The bill requires an association to permit the installation of at least 3 garden designs that adhere to the principles of water-wise landscaping.  

Each year there are more and more pieces of legislation that address climate change and our greenhouse gas emissions within the state. Thank you to all the members on the GreenCO Legislative Committee for your hard work and involvement in this session. 

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green Now:

Women in Green Committee update Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Women in Green committee hosts inspiring speaker & What's next

“We’re sprouting,” claim those on ALCC’s Women in Green (WIG) committee. WIG continued their momentum with a second networking event in late April 

Megan Townsend, COO and Co-Founder of Altitude Arborist in Broomfield, was the guest speaker. Townsend presented a condensed version of her presentation, How to take 50 vacation days a year. Charlene Chacon, WIG committee member and residential team manager at Designscapes Colorado, Inc. shares, “Megan was very inspirational as a business owner, mom, and someone who knows what it is like to be a woman in the landscape industry. 

This event had a great turnout including several students from CSU’s Design and Contracting program. Event sponsors Ewing Irrigation &Landscape Supply and Designscapes Colorado, not only sponsored but also were represented by women in attendance 

What's next?

Join ALCC's Women in Green Committee for A Networking Luncheon Event!

Date: Tuesday, September 19
Time:  11:30- 1:00 PM
Location: Fisk Lawnscapes
7135 Templeton Gap Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80923 

The Women in Green networking series is designed to celebrate women's contributions to the industry while creating a space for women in landscaping to come together, network, and acknowledge the unique attributes and skills that women bring to the industry. 

This event is designed for women working in any role within the green industry. Dress is casual, please come as you are. Boxed lunch will be provided. Las hispanohablantes son bienvenidas!

Register and watch for new event postings on  

ALCC awards 2023 student scholarships Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, August 08, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Each year Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (ALCC) grants scholarships to students pursuing careers in the green industry who attend Front Range Community College (FRCC), Colorado State University (CSU) or University of Colorado.  

Ben Stickland received the JBK Scholarship in 2023. Ben Stickland is a junior at CSU, double majoring in horticulture with a specialization in landscape design and contracting and environmental horticulture with a floriculture concentration. He hopes one day to own a business using locally sourced materials and native plants to design sustainable landscapes.  

Ciera Clawson received the Todd Williams Memorial Scholarship in 2023. Ciera is a sophomore at CSU, majoring in horticulture with a specialization in landscape design and contracting. Ciera is a member of the SOLDAC organization (Student Organization for Landscape Design and Contracting) and recently competed with the CSU team at the National Collegiate Landscape Competition. She is interested in working with sustainable landscapes in the future.  

Stephanie Fewsmith received the Tom Trench Memorial Scholarship in 2023. Stephanie attends FRCC majoring in horticulture. After moving of from the nonprofit sector and overcoming health challenges, Stephanie is pursuing a new career in horticulture focusing on growing food and sustainability.  

Olivia Mosbarger received an ALCC scholarship. She is a sophomore at CSU majoring in horticulture, with a specialization in landscape design and contracting. She competed with the CSU team at the National Collegiate Landscape Competition earlier this year. Olivia is interested in a career in landscape management and design.  

Emily Beeson also received an ALCC scholarship. She is a graduate student in the landscape architecture program at the University of Colorado-Denver. She would like to pursue a career in sustainable landscape architecture.  

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